I think this is the suitable time for me to do a review for StartXchange...
For your guys info, I've been a member of StartXchange since 12, April 2005 it's about 2 years ago. I'm also joined a lot of other Traffic Exchange sites beside of StartXchange, but I'm founf out that StartXChange has its own unique features that other sites cannot compare of...
First of all, this site is owned by Tim Landen, a very nice & dedicated guy that treat every member like the family member. This site has been around since 2001 & have been one of the top ten site each year among the others.
One of the feature that I like the most, is the "User Statistics" feature. This feature will record the credits we earned today, from surf ratio, from surfing bonus, referrals, teams, purchased & from prizes...All of the credits will be record daily into the chart, so it is very easy for us to check it.

Secondly, the "URL Manager" also easy to use as well. When we want to add a new site, all that we need to do is type in the URL & then just click the "add" button, then wait for the system to check whether the site is framebreaker or not...After it, the site will be approve immediately, without need to wait even a second!!! Beside that, there is a credit's tracker that will tell us how many credits have been assigned & been delivery to our site as well.

There also a very good "My Banner" feature, where the member can convert the credits into the banner impressions as much as U love...

For the new member, there is a "StartXchange Training" that will guide U step by step, from Zero to Hero...

The feature I love the most, is this "MyStartXchange Checklist", where it's enable us to turn auto assign on, upload photo, get the latest newsletter from Tim, Link exchange to your site & the massive lure to me ---> the daily 10% surfing bonus, where if we surf each day according to the goal we set, ie like Level 10 ( about 24-29 pages per day for Level 10 Goal ), we will get this 10% daily surfing bonus...Sometimes, Tim will have some surprise to the member, where the surfing bonus will be add up to 50% or even to 75%!!!

At StartXchange, we can surf either by ourself or by joining a team through the "My Team" feature. Teamwork mean we can surf as a team & have the chance to win the Jackpot prize ( isn't this sound great to U...lol ) I'm have joined a team & I will benefit from it much more than all by myself :)

Well, althought we can benefit, even join as a free member at StartXchange, but I think that we will get much more if we consider to upgrade, either to Gold member ( only cost $6 per month ) or Platinum member ( cost $14.95 per month ). One of the most obvious feature that we can see, is the free member need to surf 3 sites to earn 1 credit, while the gold member surf 2 sites to get 1 credit & the Platinum member even better...is 1:1!!!

I'm a StartXChange "Die hard" supporter, I'm will surf averagely 400 pages per day, I'm still remember that I'm even surfed over 2,300 ++ sites few days ago...lol

Overally, StartXChange is over the top of all, but I think it would be better, if Tim can add the E-Gold, moneybooker or webmoney for the payment methods. If Tim do so, i'm sure that many old or new members will be consider to upgrade, as we know that not all of the members can use the paypal because the paypal company have limitation at some countries...
For those that haven't join StartXChange yet, take this opportunity to join it here...
For your guys info, I've been a member of StartXchange since 12, April 2005 it's about 2 years ago. I'm also joined a lot of other Traffic Exchange sites beside of StartXchange, but I'm founf out that StartXChange has its own unique features that other sites cannot compare of...
First of all, this site is owned by Tim Landen, a very nice & dedicated guy that treat every member like the family member. This site has been around since 2001 & have been one of the top ten site each year among the others.
One of the feature that I like the most, is the "User Statistics" feature. This feature will record the credits we earned today, from surf ratio, from surfing bonus, referrals, teams, purchased & from prizes...All of the credits will be record daily into the chart, so it is very easy for us to check it.
Secondly, the "URL Manager" also easy to use as well. When we want to add a new site, all that we need to do is type in the URL & then just click the "add" button, then wait for the system to check whether the site is framebreaker or not...After it, the site will be approve immediately, without need to wait even a second!!! Beside that, there is a credit's tracker that will tell us how many credits have been assigned & been delivery to our site as well.
There also a very good "My Banner" feature, where the member can convert the credits into the banner impressions as much as U love...
For the new member, there is a "StartXchange Training" that will guide U step by step, from Zero to Hero...
The feature I love the most, is this "MyStartXchange Checklist", where it's enable us to turn auto assign on, upload photo, get the latest newsletter from Tim, Link exchange to your site & the massive lure to me ---> the daily 10% surfing bonus, where if we surf each day according to the goal we set, ie like Level 10 ( about 24-29 pages per day for Level 10 Goal ), we will get this 10% daily surfing bonus...Sometimes, Tim will have some surprise to the member, where the surfing bonus will be add up to 50% or even to 75%!!!
At StartXchange, we can surf either by ourself or by joining a team through the "My Team" feature. Teamwork mean we can surf as a team & have the chance to win the Jackpot prize ( isn't this sound great to U...lol ) I'm have joined a team & I will benefit from it much more than all by myself :)
Well, althought we can benefit, even join as a free member at StartXchange, but I think that we will get much more if we consider to upgrade, either to Gold member ( only cost $6 per month ) or Platinum member ( cost $14.95 per month ). One of the most obvious feature that we can see, is the free member need to surf 3 sites to earn 1 credit, while the gold member surf 2 sites to get 1 credit & the Platinum member even better...is 1:1!!!
I'm a StartXChange "Die hard" supporter, I'm will surf averagely 400 pages per day, I'm still remember that I'm even surfed over 2,300 ++ sites few days ago...lol
Overally, StartXChange is over the top of all, but I think it would be better, if Tim can add the E-Gold, moneybooker or webmoney for the payment methods. If Tim do so, i'm sure that many old or new members will be consider to upgrade, as we know that not all of the members can use the paypal because the paypal company have limitation at some countries...
For those that haven't join StartXChange yet, take this opportunity to join it here...
I agree with your review of StartXchange...
It was dead on...
Hi phil...
Yeah, that's why I love StartXChange so much, I think U also same as well...:)
By the way, U also should make a review of your own opinion on StartXChange of your own, in order to express your thought on StartXChange too...
Best regards,
Hi Wilson,
Nice review with all the pictures to illustrate!
Hi sheriam...
thanks for the comment here, I think the main point is...We all love StartXchange, isn't it...lol
Very nice usage of screen shots. I wish I had thought of that! I really liked that you spoke right from your heart and added suggestions about what you would change. You are much braver than I.
Hi sheri...
thanks for the commment.Well, I'm have learned that we have to spoke straight & bravely, if the situaiton & timing is right for us, I think U should give yourself a try, because sometimes it really do helping us...
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