Monday, August 31, 2009

The Useful Business Tips 43: The 5 Essential Tips to Build Good Relationship with Vendors!

When you’re involving yourself in the business field, it means that you’re going to need some vendors/suppliers. Most people encountered difficult time with the vendors/suppliers, and being frustrated with it.

If you’re one of those who having the above matter, then you should take a few minutes and read on this article.

Below here are the five great tips on how to build a good relationship with your vendors/suppliers:

Magic trick No.1
Use whatever methods, either the old-fashioned (phone call) or latest technology (emails) to contact your vendors/suppliers frequently!

Magic trick No.2
Try to treat your vendors/suppliers as your team members or your best friend!

Magic trick No.3
Speak out your needs clearly and thoroughly to the vendor/suppliers. Let them know your expectations from them.

Magic trick No.4
If the vendors/suppliers have provided a great service, you should show your appreciation to them.

Magic trick No.5
Pay your vendors/suppliers right on time and trying not to accumulate too much of debts with them!

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